And with Verdant’s assistance, this is straightforward.
Before placing a Verdant seed order, the partner will require a Surat Persetujuan Penyaluran Benih Kelapa Sawit (SP2BKS) certificate from the Director General Plantation’s office in Jakarta or the local Dinas Perkebunan office. Verdant sales staff can assist with the SP2BKS application to ensure that it is speedily and successfully processed.
At least three months in advance of the seed delivery date, a simple seed sales & purchase agreement will be signed by both parties.
A 5% free seed allowance is included with all germinated seed orders to cover any seed losses as a result of breakages, seed infection or minor counting errors.
On the seed delivery day, the packing process will be witnessed by the following parties:
- Customer’s representative,
- Staff of Balai Besar Perbenihan dan Proteksi Tanaman Perkebunan (BBPPTP - Medan),
- Staff of Agriculture Quarantine (Karantina Pertanian - Medan),
unless the seed is being supplied within North Sumatra.
The title to the seeds will be transferred to the client when the seeds leave the Seed Production Unit delivery area at Timbang Deli estate.
Verdant seed sales staff will assist with freight arrangements for dispatch of the seed consignment to the client’s nursery.
At our Timbang Deli nurseries we regularly grow and sell Seedlings of both types: Verdant V-80 and Verdant Select at Pre-Nursery and Main Nursery stages.
Verdant seedlings are selected after a strict quality culling which discards any diseases and abnormalities.
The formalities prior to sale are simple and do not require the granting of an SP2BKS. BBPPTP will record data, and inspect and label the seedlings to ensure compliance with all Indonesian regulations.
Verdant will provide on-going advice and services to partners who buy Verdant Select and Verdant V-80 seeds.
Our experienced staff are available to visit plantations from the seed planting until the first harvest to provide their expertise and to ensure Verdant seeds meet expectations.
Verdant expertise covers nursery management, agronomy and crop protection advice to all partners buying Verdant Select and Verdant V-80 seeds.
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